Rice County Housing & Redevelopment Authority

Online Waiting List Application

320 N.W. 3rd Street, Suite 3 . Faribault, MN 55021 . (507) 333-3787 .

The Rice County Section 8 waiting list will open at 8:00 a.m. on April 29, 2022, and will remain open for at least sixty (60) days.  Applications will only be accepted from people who either live or work in Rice County.  You will be required to provide proof of residency. 

Liiska sugitaanka Qaybta Section 8ka ee Degmada Rice wuxuu furmi doonaa 8:00 subaxnimo Abriil 29, 2022, wuxuuna furnaan doonaa ugu yaraan lixdan (60) maalmood. Foomka  waxaa kaliya laga aqbali doonaa dadka ku nool ama ka shaqeeya Degmada Rice. Waxaa lagaaga baahan doonaa inaad keento caddaynta deganaanshaha.

This web-based process will assist you in applying for a place on the waiting list for the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program.  Apply at any time while the wait list is open.  See “Registration Status” box to the right for wait list status.  The HRA will place eligible applicants on the Rice County HRA Housing Choice Voucher waiting list. 

Nidaamkan ku-saleysan webka wuxuu kaa caawin doonaa inaad dalbato boos liiska sugitaanka ee barnaamijka Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8). Dalbo wakhti kasta inta liiska sugitaanku furan yahay. Ka eeg “Heerka Isdiiwaangelinta” sanduuqa dhanka midig ee liiska sugitaanka. HRA waxay liiska sugitaanka ku dari doontaa codsadayasha u qalma liiska Rice County Choice Voucher.

Upon completion of registration, write down the tracking number for your records.  

Markaad dhammaysato diiwaangelinta, qor lambarka raadraaca ee diiwaankaaga.

To successfully apply, provide the following information:

Si aad si guul leh u dalbato, bixi macluumaad soo socda:

First and last name of head of household.

Magaca koowaad iyo magaca dambe ee qofka guriga madax u ah ama ugu sareeya.

Social security numbers of head of household, if applicable

Lambarrada social security ee qofka guriga madax u ah ama ugu sareey, hadaad leedahay

The total gross annual income of your household.  This includes Supplemental Security Income (SSI), wages, unemployment, Social Security, and Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), General Assistance, child support, and any other income received.

Dhamaan daqliga sanadka guud ee qoyskaaga. Waxaa ka mid ah Supplemental Security Income (SSI), mushahar, lacagta shaqo la’aanta, Social Security, iyo Barnaamijka Maalgashiga Qoyska ee Minnesota (MFIP), Caawinta Guud ( General Assistance), masruufka caruurta (child support), iyo daqli kasta oo kale oo la helay.

A valid address to which the HRA staff can send correspondence.

Cinwaan sax ah oo ay shaqaalaha HRA u diri karaan waraaqaha

A valid phone number at which the HRA can contact you.

Lambarka taleefan sax ah oo ay HRA kula soo xiriiri karto.

To meet the Rice County HRA’s eligibility criteria:

Si aad u buuxiso shuruudaha u-qalmitaanka Rice County HRA:

Provide accurate information.  Submission of false information or misrepresentation may result in loss of eligibility to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.  Applicants must have a valid address and/or phone number for contact purpose. Applicants who cannot be contacted will have file placed inactive.

Bixi macluumaad sax ah. Soo gudbinta macluumaadka beenta ah ama si khaldan loo sheego waxay sababi kartaa luminta u qalmitaanka kaqeybgalka barnaamijka Housing Choice Voucher Program. Codsadeyaashu waa inay lahaadaan cinwaan ansax ah iyo / ama nambarka taleefanka ujeeddada lagala xiriirayo. Codsadayaasha aan lala soo xiriiri karin waxay leeyihiin fayl aan hawl gal lahayn.

Only one application per household. Submission of multiple applications will result in disqualification.

Hal codsi qoyskiiba. Soo gudbinta codsiyada badan waxay sababi doontaa inaad u-qalmin.

Local Preferences.  Only applications from people who live or work in Rice County will be accepted.

Dadka deegaanka. Kaliya codsiyada laga helo dadka ku nool ama ka shaqeeya degmada Rice County baa la aqbali doona.

Current Time: 10/22/2024 1:07pm

Registration is currently closed. If you have a tracking number you can check your enrollment status below.

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